Saturday, December 6, 2008

Compare Compare and Compare.

Is comparing Good? Yes, it is Good but still it depends. Not everytime we compare is Good.
We must compare prices when we buy things.. Well this is normal and this is what we should do actually. But when we started to compare other things, such as relationships, friends.. It wont be that healthy.

I cant deny , that I ever compare my relationship, My life and My friends. And Yes I am comparing it even Now. Feel terrible but I just cant Help it. Things never Go on Your way and I should learn to accept it.. But kinda weird to think that WHY everytime they never go along the way ..sure got something gets in the way. Aihh..

Feeling Pissed and cursing around liaw. blablablabla

Time to getaway from all this "pain" . Quite Moment is Needed.

Landslide Nightmare, Are We Going to Have 1 as Well?

Landslide happened at Bukit Antarabangsa is really a nightmare for every Malaysian. All I can do here is pray and hope no one is deeply injured during the landslide. From what I know from TV news, the side happened this morning at 4am due to the heavy rain since last night.

The scene right now at Bukit Antarabangsa is really scary. You can see it from News online .. It's a big news now. Government says, private sector should not push government to approved any housing development plan near hills or mountains.

Aih...dont you think it's too late now? After such incident happened, only then you realised that such development plan is dangerous? Aihh *sigh*

They said, probably 7 people still trapped under the soil inside their bangalow. =.=" Freaky.
I then suddenly recalled back that my town also has such development. o.o" Will they stop it now or keep developing it? Aihhhh.. dangerous..

Humans keep Making Mistakes Which Only Give them Temporary Happiness but Permanent Nightmare. Wake up PEople!!!

Aihh Why not jUst Pain Ahead and Die?

Yeah i ate the wrong food mix with the wrong drink and woke up in chest pain and why not dying yet and yes im wondering.

Menu of the day ,
Pizza with various of meat baked with cheese
Ribena mix with Sprite and Lime.

Side effect,
Chest pain in the morning, blockage of airway in the lungs and vodmiting

Side effect on your mood,
You feel pissed and start cursing around.