We always said we wanted to bring our parents for a family getaway,
but we never did and we push the plan away with various of excuses,
we told ourselves that there will be another suitable day,
But what if That Another day never comes?
We always said to our siblings that we will buy that special thing for them as a gift,
but we always use up our money buying things for ourselves again and again,
or even buying things for other friends instead of them,
But we comfort ourselves by saying that, There will be another day for that,
But what if That Another day never comes?
We always said to our pets that we will replace that their broken food bowl, or other broken accesssories,
but we always use up the money to buy a better lunch set for ourselves,
and we said to ourselves that, There will be another day for it,
But what if, That Another day never comes?
We always said to our Besties that we will accompany them for some girl's stuff that we always do together,
But we end up using the free time we have doing our personal stuff on weekend,
We tend to comfort ourselves saying that there is always Another day to company them,
But what if, That Another day never comes?
We always wanted to sms our friends with greetings in every events happenings,
but we used up the HandPhone credits callings our boyfriends/girlfriends,
and we always said , There will be another day to come for it,
But what if, That Another day never comes?