Today I am totally moodless.. been having a lot of things flying in my mind.. Sometimes I feel tired of growing up. Even though my childhood is not as fancy as others, but I still able to enjoy it to the fullest. Been growing up with one eye closed. Lol.
Argh..today is Sunday, tomorrow is Monday. I don't like to go to work. Feel boring with all the Headquarters meanie people. Know nothing but act like know lots of things. Shame of them. I cursed them hard when I feel wanting to curse. LoL
Was at my Facebook homepage just now. Saw my old classmate , giving hint to her future husband saying wanna change her car. I remember the current car she has right now is like 3 years old something.. Hmm now hand itchy wanna change a car.. what about me? I haven't even got one or drive one ever since I got my driving license. =_=" Not even owning a bicycle! Zzzzzz
Of course I might have enough money to get a super cheap Kancil by now if I haven't had all these household burden and pets. Aih..nevermind lah.. Life. Life of each individual is different from others so I shouldn't whine this much, as probably someone out there is much worse than me. (easiest sentence to comfort myself lol)
Yesterday, went to a house which is for sale. Price.. is above my dream price. hahahahaha
I am so so confused, I don't know what to do. Buy? Well, the venue is superb nice. Just that ..price.. is one problem. Well, I shouldn't have to worry much, the loan probably we just can't get it =.="
So so so many things I need to have...I wish to have..I dream to have... I wish to have own car.. wish to have a new phone..wish to have superb laptop.. ;/ wish to have change my hair color...wish to have new pair of Jeans.. wanting to have a new pair of sneaker... want to get my boy a watch .. blablabla and the list goes on. I was afraid, having an expensive things to loan..=.= will stop all these from happening..might even stop my desire to have cakes to eat from secret recipe..or morning breakfast..or curry fish head!! I wouldn't have the heart to see my boy carry those loan by himself and I wish to help some too. =(
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Why can't my dad give me a lucky number every time he visit me in my dream??? He rather use the chance to scold me =_=" damn!He still bias between me and my brother. Bleh. Whatever!!!! I will get Tiok Toto one day =_=" so damn pissed when I think of all these.. When will I ever get to feel that "damn I have so much money I don't even know how to spend it! XD"
*shake head* in my dream probably.. Sigh.