Today is the last day of my dearest in Kuching. He had 5 days war there with a bunch of bastard colleagues which are too snobbish till you will feel like giving them a punch on their face.
Even though I never met them personally, but I think I already know how they look like even from my dear descriptions. >.< So damn pissed.
I feel so glad when I received his message saying he arrived safely at airport phhewwwwzzzzzz
Now I wont have to worry so much =D
Tomorrow will be Labour Day, and it's a public Holiday for all. Well, it doesn't make much difference for me as I dont work on Saturday anyway -_-" kInda waste haih
How nice it will be if it fall on Friday, I can get whole day gaming xD woot.
I wonder what's tomorrow activity, hmmm I'm still thinking. I wouldn't wanna get myself tan under the hot sun.
To my dear who is reading this, Welcome Home * big warm hug *