Monday, December 10, 2007

Best Way to Feel Young AGAIN!

To all the Big boys and Big girls out there, what would you do in order to stay forever young?
Well, for girls, normally they would :-
1) Put make up on their face till their neck =p
2) Dress nicely ..means..dress up with the latest fashion [even it's a 17 years old style=p]
3) Act young
4) Get their hair done

Well for guys, normally they would..:-

1) Get a young girlfriend, if possible, school girls lolz
2) Dress young [wear clothes which is actually teen guy style =p]

Well, that is what I personally observe..Not really a fact actually.
But if you are doing those above in order to stay and feel young, hemm... Honestly I have a brilliant idea to really make you feel young all the time..BIG time.

It's easy..

Mix around with old age people, I can GUARANTEE you that you will feel young for sure. XD

Thank you for reading.