Sunday, May 11, 2008

I Miss Someone, But He Wasn't You!

My mind has been thinking of someone lately, somehow the person doesnt seem to be appear as my boyfriend. It was someone else. =_=" This is sick!.. Why? This is so abnormal.. I hate such feeling.. It's either I'm making myself confused, or... I'm just unable to untie this confusion. Sigh.

I do admit that the way I see my boyfriend now is different. For him, what he said today, wouldnt be the same tomorrow and it isnt a big deal for him because he said things change for a reason. That's why he always have a brain changing decision and words everyday =_="

Among all the boyfriends I have, he is the one saying "ok, up to you" when you said to him " I want to reconsider back this relationship" during an arguement. Is he just too generous or too considerate until it reach an annoying status or he just doesnt care as Im just not a big deal for him.

Well, fine, since you want to play fire with fire and since I have been patience for so long, it's about time for me to crack up the lava from my volcano. Somehow the next day, he act normal and still say those sweet words. ^%$*O(%R& He forgot we actually argue last night or what??!!

HAIzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..................................... it's been a month I didnt see him. I dont feel Missing him either. -_-" NOt to mention I feel happier when besides friends......... xD

Not sure what should I do now.. Not sure what is going on with me right now.. Where are all the love sparks? Where are they? *sigh*