Tuesday, October 14, 2008

BreaKing ThrouGh?

How nice would it be when you say to yourself that you are breaking through, that you will break through the shadow which you claim has overshadowed you all this while keeping you from reaching something better and then you really is ABLE to break it through.

Today, a person came to ask me to change. Saying it is easy for somebody but when come to realising it, it's like carrying a thousand tonnes on your shoulder or finding a needle in the football field. Can you see how hard it is? I dont came from Good Life but I do hope I will one day live a Good Life.

Years pass by and all I can see and all I can cheer about is seeing people around me having good life and the saddest part is , Im not cheering my own life.
I learn to love myself, my life so that I am able to love others and respect their life.
I do hope I can someday get a good change in my life. Im really tired always whining , people around me will get tired to hear as well.

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