Today is my rest day.. have been waiting for this day to come like ages .. which actually its only 5 days away.. 22nd October [ Monday ] was my 1st day of work in a listed company. Well, when i say its listed company, i bet u guys can feel out that is a big company XD ahaks
Hemm, i thought the same too but then i think i better change the way I'm thinking about it already when i found out the company doesn't makes any different with other unlisted companies. =p
Well, on the 1st day, the manager [ which is 68 years old ] brings me around for some short introduction of the company and the people around.. I can quite remember their name that much actually =p. After that, i have been given a desk which is quite dusty and making my nose feel itchy for like 2 hours there.
I can sense out that the desk has been abandoned ages ago. ToT"" sob..
Not to mention its messy, this how a listed company welcome their new staff?? worse than my previous job in a small company. After a short cleanup by myself, i turn around to find someone to give me something to do.
Well, as i expected, 1st day would be a boring day anyway as people around are still busy with their own stuff. They don't really bother me, but the dude which has been assigned to teach me of the company's account whereabouts just simply gave me something to do and few files for me to explore.
The accounting system they use are the system which is written by their own IT team which is totally different from UBS accounting system. Which i don't really like it actually. Even doing a bank reconciliation have to use manually instead of automatic generate by the system.
Well, probably is because UBS cant be link from Miri side to the Kuching side , and therefore they have to use their own system and link it using server.
*sigh* I don't have Internet services to use. Been sitting there listening to their joy of using Internet , chatting and msn-ing. Sad...
Even play sms or replying a sms is weird for them.. Plus..they don't listen to music when they work o.o"
In the end, i listen to my own music . Thank god i have mp4 player to use =p not to bad for the moment.
For the colleagues part, well, in my dept. there are 7 people. 5 females including me and 2 males. 1 male is the one which is im going to take his task from. He is resigning from the job. For the ladies, they are all older than me, while for the men...they seems like the same age as me, =p
The air-conditioner is very cold until i feel itchy as i am not used to coldness.. XD
But i control myself and didn't scratch myself that much... well..just a little bit *rolleyes*
Saturday and Sunday is all i have to do my favourite things. Felt like its not enough to use.. Time is too short and so do our life.